Sunday, February 21, 2010

On the Ferry Ride to Seattle...

So Karl's making funny faces in the background of Caroline and mine's photos, on of which happens to look like the one above.

Caroline: Oh my gosh! Look at Karl's face!

Me: (Jumps back in seat a bit) Jesus, Karl, could you be any more of a freak?!

Karl: I used to make that face at my little sister and make her cry, now whenever I do it, she's just like "Karl, stop it."

Caroline and I: We can see why...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sitting in My Economics Class:

Random Student: Oh man, I almost choked there, guess I should quite smoking...

R.S.'S Friend: Yeah, good luck with that one.

Random Student: No, really, quitting for me will be easy.

Me: Yeah, that's totally what I said before I ended up with asthma and chronic bronchitis.

Both Students: -Stare-

Wow, you'd think that people from the 21st century could comprehend sarcasm...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My best friend calls my house phone...

Mom: Hello?

Karl: Hey...

Mom: Hey... are you calling for Alexis?

(My attention is called to from the other room)

Mom: I think Karl thought I was you.

Me: Well, you know what they say- If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck-

Dad: It must be your mother.

Oh, how the love is just radiating between my parents...

Sitting in Sheri's Last Night:

Sarah: I think [No Name] is pretty hot.

Emily: Apparently, so is his girlfriend.

Sarah: I heard she was pregnant. But you're right, she's still pretty.

Emily: No she's fat.

Me: So because she's fat, she's not pretty?

Emily: No, because she's pregnant, she's fat.

No words can explain the openness of my friends.